Wednesday 24 October 2012

Layout Inspiration

Despite the terrible drawing, these three images I found gave me ideas for the layout and design that I could possibly focus on during the creation process of my Dynamic Freeze poster. I was looking for interesting and unique images with energy and a certain "wow factor" that would make someone stop to look at it, which is what I hope the end result of the poster will have. The first image was taken from a music video I had seen, and as written, features a woman with a dramatic look. The second, I found when browsing online. I really thought the neon stripes were very different, and made an interesting shape when put against a black background. The third and final image was taken from a live photo of a band I listen to, and I thought the harsh lighting brought an energy and vibrance to the image with a simple silhouette in the center, and I thought this could be highly effective in the poster design.

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