Friday 6 June 2014

BMD Design - Artwork

This is my artwork with a Ukrainian theme, inspired by BMD design.

I was given the country of Ukraine for the playing card project. Initially, I researched the country as nothing stood out to me from memory. I hand drew the Holy Sophia Cathedral on A3 paper before scanning and adding colour in Photoshop. Much like the BMD artwork, I scattered various words across the design that related to the nature of the piece. Ukraine has wonderful nature and architecture, which drove the design heavily. 

Once it was scanned into Photoshop, I used one main colour selectively (gold), to fill in the windows and spired of the structure. As a lot of BMD's work features a rather "gritty" feel, I wanted to incorporate that into my own design, and so I left the speckles that appeared in the scanning of the artwork as I felt like it gave the artwork more character. 

The typography was also BMD inspired, where I would use various fonts across the structure to show variety in the words that were written down.

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