Friday, 4 April 2014

Guess Who? Progression & Final Piece

To put the final touches on the picture, I covered the unwanted areas of the picture with the required gradient and yellow border, which made my image fit in with the other Guess Who? characters. I found that the little details made this picture 'come alive' and resemble myself accurately, such as the creases in the skin as I smiled, the structure of my nose and the strands in my hair. Overall, the picture turned out better than I expected and gave me new skills to use in photo editing that I will carry through to my other projects.

The colouring process required a lot of back-and-forth checking to make sure that the image looked as close to the original photograph as possible. The highlights in my hair was achieved by picking a lighter colour than the base and then turning the opacity down so that it blended in with the hair properly. There was a similar effect used to create the reflection in the lens of the glasses, except with a blue gradient.

After tracing over every defining area of my face, I used the swatches available to get the best colour possible to match my skin tone and hair. For other parts of the picture, such as the lips or glasses, I used the eyedropper tool to get the most accurate colour.

Starting off with the pen tool, I traced over the defining areas of my face that would make up the detail that would show the resemblance of my face in the final piece (i.e eyebrows, lips, glasses, jawline etc). I used white initially as it was the colour that stood out from the rest of my face, and showed me which parts were left to trace. 

I started off with a raw, untouched photo of myself (taken from an iPad) and uploaded it to the computer, and began editing in Adobe Illustrator. 

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